-3 extra days in South Africa
-22 hours in 3 separate planes
-3 security checks
-1 twenty min bus ride in Dubai after a 3 hour layover
-1 forty five minute stopover in Bangkok
-1 hour with the Australian customs agent
-1 confiscated item in Australian customs (sorry Hattie...that was your present)
-1 fabulous 8 hour conversation
-1 hour of walking around Sydney after 3 hours of broken sleep over 2 days
-1 catnap at the train station
-7 1/2 hours on my first train (I slept, but caught a bit of the beautiful countryside)
I have arrived in Macksville, Australia and I am at home with the Henry's. What a relief.
-22 hours in 3 separate planes
-3 security checks
-1 twenty min bus ride in Dubai after a 3 hour layover
-1 forty five minute stopover in Bangkok
-1 hour with the Australian customs agent
-1 confiscated item in Australian customs (sorry Hattie...that was your present)
-1 fabulous 8 hour conversation
-1 hour of walking around Sydney after 3 hours of broken sleep over 2 days
-1 catnap at the train station
-7 1/2 hours on my first train (I slept, but caught a bit of the beautiful countryside)
I have arrived in Macksville, Australia and I am at home with the Henry's. What a relief.
My stay so far has been wonderful. I love spending time with the kids (Jacinta - almost 5 - and Genevieve - age 2) and talking to Matt and Shana at night. So far I have gone to a Easter parade after making beautiful hats with the kids of flowers, played by the riverside, gone to the coast to see the ocean, walked through the "big banana," watched most of "The Big Lebowski," did osteopathic manipulation on Matt and Shana, tried my hand at a bit of gardening, made Indian Chai tea, and took a night walk under the full moon with Shana. It is wonderful and comfortable.
Looking forward to Easter Sunday where I will go to church on the riverside under a tree. Their description reminds me of my favorite Easter service when my dad and I found a Quaker-ish sunrise service on the shore of a small lake. I'll tell you all about it. Until then, enjoy your weekend.
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